Setup New Domain, Email, Number - Update Your Policy Pages

Setting up a New Domain inside Shopify a . COM, After a FREE Gmail email, and Google Voice number.

Use that information to SETUP Your Policy Pages - Refund Policy Pages using the Chat GPT with your new information!

Key Takeaways

  • Set up a professional domain name, email, and Google Voice number
  • Use AI tools like ChatGPT to generate privacy policies, refund policies, about pages, etc.
  • Create navigation menus and product collections in Shopify
  • Focus on getting the foundational elements in place first before expanding the product line

Domain Name and Email Setup

  • Purchase a domain name (e.g. example) through Shopify for $15/year
  • Set up email forwarding from the domain to a free Gmail account (e.g. [email protected])
  • Get a free Google Voice number linked to the Gmail for customer support

Policy Pages using ChatGPT

  • Use ChatGPT to generate a professional privacy policy, refund policy, about us page etc. for the website
  • Copy the generated content into new pages in Shopify

Navigation Menus and Collections

  • Set up navigation menus in Shopify header and footer
  • Create basic product collections like "For Her", "For Him", "Baby & Kids"
  • Feature one main product collection on the homepage initially
  • Expand to more products gradually after finding success with the first

Next Steps

  • Set up policy pages, about page using ChatGPT in Shopify
  • Configure navigation menus and initial product collections
  • Focus on promoting and selling the core product line first
  • Iterate and expand product offerings over time

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