Top 3 Strategies for Finding Winning Products/Validation Process Before Facebook Ads Launch

Key Takeaways

  • Validate products across multiple data sources (Facebook Ads Library, Winning Hunter, Dropspy). Use my logins if you don't have them.
  • Look for products with high engagement (likes, shares), strong ad spend to revenue ratio, and positive reviews
  • Analyze top performing thumbnails, videos, and ad copy to model successful campaigns
  • Utilize tools like VMake to enhance video/image quality and remove watermarks
  • Check for product traction on other platforms like TikTok
  • Ensure a smooth customer experience by testing the full checkout flow before launch

Product Validation Process

  • Use keyword search on Facebook Ads Library to find active ads for the product
  • Cross-reference on Winning Hunter to see ad spend vs revenue data for different videos/thumbnails
  • Validate further on Dropified by analyzing shares, likes, engagement metrics
  • A product trending across all 3 platforms is a strong validation signal

Winning Product Example: Fractions Learning Book

  • Found via "educational" keyword search on Winning Hunter
  • $23k ad spend generated $92k revenue, reached 2.2M people
  • Corroborated on Dropified (52k likes, 7k shares) and Ads Library (439 active ads)
  • Low-cost product ($8 on AliExpress) with good margins at $34-$39.95 selling price

Optimizing Videos/Images

  • Use VMake AI tool to enhance video quality (e.g. flower details) and image quality
  • Remove watermarks from top performing thumbnails using AnnieEraser tool

TikTok for Additional Video Content

  • Search TikTok for your product and look for highly viewed videos (e.g. 9.2M views)
  • Download snippets or re-use audio tracks in your Facebook video ads

Pre-Launch Checklist

  • Test the full checkout experience like a customer
  • Ensure consistent branding (button colors, etc.) and smooth checkout
  • Enable shipping protection and customer support details

Next Steps

  • Implement product validation process for new product ideas
  • Optimize videos/images and test on Facebook ads
  • Set up TikTok monitoring for new user-generated content
  • Conduct full pre-launch testing for new products

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